Sunday, September 30, 2012

A road that I know all too well...

Well, I see that it has been exactly 4 months since I have made a post!  That is horrible of me and I do apologize.  I have not been dedicated to this blog, to my self or my weight loss.  That is part of the reason on why I have been so slack on the blog.  Around the month of May, we had BB-Q after BB-Q, gathering after gathering and I completely fell off the weight loss train.  Is that an excuse...NOPE but it's a reason and I own it.

I am 13lbs heavier today than I was 4 months ago and I am not happy with myself.  My one year anniversary with Weight Watchers is coming up during the first week of December and I am no further now, than I was then.  My journey (this time) started at 224lbs and here I am at 215lbs.  Is it a difference, yep, but not the one that I anticipated last December.

During this past year, however, I have had my sister Jazmin join towards the beginning of the summer and she is doing FANTASTIC!!!  I believe she has lost 20+ lbs during the summer and still dropping.  She has about 50lbs to go but I am her biggest cheerleader - so proud of her and her own personal journey!!

So, here I am AGAIN (my WELL traveled road) and looking forward to new opportunities and different approaches in conquering this battle that I seem to love to fight!  First off, I am going to stick to my daily point plus values and NOT dip into my 49 point plus allowance.  I have to get this weight loss revved up and that seems to be the most logical way.  That is how I lost my initial 30lbs so why not stick to basics?

Second, I have vowed to keep recipes, old recipes, made up recipes, ANY recipe - atleast 5 nights a week.  I am a HUGE Pinterest fan and love pinning all types of recipes so why not put those to good use?  Most are definitely NOT Weight Watchers friendly but I am finding different ways to tweak them to fit into MY PERSONAL plan.  With Weight Watchers, aren't I allowed to eat whatever I want...YEP!

I am also trying to get as much water as I can into my system.  Weight Watchers suggests 48oz but would like 64oz a lot better.  I am not going to lie, I love my 32oz Diet Mt. Dew, once a day (and that does count towards the fluid intake) but I can't rely ONLY on that for fluids.

Something else that I am going to try is posting recipes that I make on here.  I know that I, PERSONALLY, get stuck in ruts with no ideas on new food and snack ideas to fit within plan so I am sure that there are others out there too that have the same problems.  All of the recipes and photos posted are ones that I have made and eaten with my family.  I will post the source of the recipe, as well, as needed.

I can't be 100% sure that this will be my final attempt at losing weight, but I know that even when I fall, I get up, dust myself off, and start back at square one!  I am at a champ at starting over!  I thank EVERYONE and ANYONE who takes the time to take a moment and take a look into my life, even if for just a second.

Well, I am going to post my first couple of recipes.  A lot of my recipes, using veggies, are not exact measurements when it does come to the veggies!  I love 'em so I use A LOT of them!  But I will definitely try my best to be close!!

Shrimp Veggie Stir Fry
Servings - 4 to 5 (depending on portions)
WW PP - 11pp per serving

  • ramen noodles - 4 packets (discard seasoning packets)
  • broccoli - 2 cups
  • onion - 1 medium sliced
  • carrots - 2 medium shredded
  • bell pepper - 1 medium sliced
  • mushrooms - 1 cup sliced
  • bamboo shoots - 1/2 cup
  • garlic - 6 cloves chopped
  • ginger - 2 tsp grated
  • soy sauce - 1/4 cup (*I used low sodium)
  • ketchup - 1 tbsp
  • sriracha - 1 tbsp
  • rice vinegar - 2 tbsp
  • sesame oil - 2 tbsp
  • shrimp - 2 cups fresh/thawed and shells removed
  • salt and pepper - to season
*Any other types of veggies can be used, possibilities are endless!

  1. Bring a pot of water to boil and add ramen noodles. 
  2. Cook until done - 3-5 minutes.
  3. Drain noodles and run under cold water.
  4. Set aside to cool and air dry.
  5. Heat oil over medium heat.  
  6. Add ginger and garlic.  
  7. Saute for 3 minutes.  
  8. Add all veggies, shrimp and salt and pepper, for seasoning.
  9. Cook for 5-8 minutes.
  10. To make sauce, mix soy sauce, sriracha, vinegar and ketchup in a medium bowl.
  11. Once veggies are done, add sauce and noodles.
  12. Mix thoroughly and make sure noodles and veggies are coated in sauce, evenly.
  13. Let cook 5 more minutes and serve warm!
I am sorry that I am not a pro at writing recipes, but I hope you get the idea.  Below are some pictures of the different steps!

Step 4 - Set noodles aside and air dry
Step 8 - Add all veggies, shrimp and salt and pepper, for seasoning
Step 10 - To make sauce, mix soy sauce, sriracha, vinegar and ketchup in a medium bowl.
Step 13 - Let cook 5 more minutes and serve warm!
This was a recipe I put together from things I had in the pantry and a little imagination   The possibilities are endless with different meats, veggies and sauces.  It was a hit with my daughter and my toddler is just too picky to eat anything new.  But, give 'er a try and let me know how it turns out!

Happy eating, living and healthiness!


Thursday, May 31, 2012

Summer Time Challenge....

It is amazing how busy one can get and completely forget somethings....mine, remembering to keep my blog updated!!!  Let me start off by saying sorry for the lack of dedication.  I can come up with 1,000 excuses but that isn't right :(  So, here I am, after a little hiatus ---> which we all have :)

My Weight Watchers has kind of taken a back seat to life for the last 2 and a half weeks.  Actually, since Mother's Day!  I have kind of slid down that slippery slope of motivation.  I hosted Mother's Day dinner for my family and from there, I have not paid as close of attention that I should to my food.  I have eaten great on somedays and then snuck off to McDonald's on others.  Bad Josh!!!

The following week was my TOM visit (sorry for TMI) and I always gain ATLEAST 5lbs!!!!  Damn Mother Nature.  So, I fought that all last week and then this past Saturday was Roen's 3rd Birthday Party.  Food has been EVERY WHERE!!! 

I'm unfortunately in the mentality that if one day has been ruined, then the WHOLE week is a lost cause.  I know, logically, that isn't the case, but I can't convince my belly otherwise.

So, to spice things up for the first month of summer and hopefully, to boost my motivation from 10 to 100, I have come up with a challenge.  I am a Pinterest ADDICT and have pinned LOTS of recipes that happen to be Weight Watchers friendly.  I have NEVER cooked one.  For the month of June, I am going to make one new, untried recipe everyday. 
This morning, I went through tons of WW friendly recipes from Hungry Girl, Emily Bites and Skinny Taste to compile 30 new, intriguing meals!

Now, I am the mother of a 10 & 3 year old who like Mommy's cooking just the way it is.  To solve that, I let Cyan choose 2 nights a week to eat the staples of the house.  So, Monday and Tuesday, I cook the kids dinner - what they want.  To make sure that I get my new recipe in for that day, I will be doing lunch meals....
I can't make promises, but I definitely want to blog each of these with pictures and little notes. 

As well, I have added a couple of "small" challenges to the month of June. 
  • Completely cut out soda, diet included, and ONLY drink my 64 ounces of water daily
  • Stop eating ALL food atleast 3 hours before bed
  • Move (physical activity) for atleast 30 minutes a day
  • Weigh myself everyday - to see if there is a pattern to my weight fluxuations
I really hope these changes help get my butt back in the game of weight loss.  I can no longer make excuses for being overweight.  I am unhappy this size and want to live out the rest of my years, healthy!

I hope that you can follow my journey for the month of June and learn a thing or two or vice versa!

J  xoxo

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Through the thick and thin of it....

Okay, first I apologize for the gap in posts.  It has been a few weeks since my last post.  My world is crazy, as usual, with work, kids, etc, etc, etc.....

I have been inching closer and closer to my 10% goal weight of 202lbs.  As of this past Saturday, I was 1.4lbs away!!!!  Well, Mother's Day happened.  I prepared dinner for my family, my parents and my brother and sister-in-law.   I went with a BBQ themed dinner.  The pulled pork was WW friendly, HOWEVER, the potato salad, macarroni salad, fudge and coconut macaroons weren't. 

I realized that I have a LONG way to go to get my food under control.  I have no control over certain foods, and those that I prepared, I proved no match :(

My problem wasn't Sunday, it was the days that followed.  In my mind, I figured that I messed up Sunday, so Monday didn't matter.  And since Monday didn't matter, neither did Tuesday.  And here I am today, on Wednesday, with the same mentality.  I cannot get my mind away from the spiraling effect that started on Mother's Day. 

So, I lead back to my personal sabotage.  I get so close to my goal and take 5 steps back. What the heck is wrong with me.  Do I want to stay over weight?  Have I been over weight so long, that it terrifies me to get healthy and down to a healthy size?  I have no clue!  It has taken me 5 months to lose 20lbs.....FIVE MONTHS!!!  Anyone else would have been working on their 40th or 50th pound mark....not I!

I sit here and write out my frustrations.  I am so disappointed in myself.  I have let my family down, I have let my kids down and more importantly, I have let myself down.  Deep down, I know I am not going to do anything until Saturday.  I have two days until weigh in, ***which I am not weighing in on Saturday***, and get my mind right!  I need to find that motivation that I had on Day One.  That motivation that drove me to realize I am worth my own happiness!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Back to Basics....

Another Saturday has come, and close to being gone.  The big weigh in day.   I am beginning to enjoy Saturday as my favorite day.  Not only is it the first day of the weekend, not only do I get to hang out with my kiddies, but I get to START FRESH, just like day one, with my Weight Watchers program!  What can be any better!?

For the past three weeks, I have had a steady loss.  Now by that, I mean, I have LOST something.  And something is something I will take any day of the week!  But there still seems to be something lacking or missing, in general.  I was down ONE POUND this week and even though it was a loss, it wasn't the loss I was looking for. 

Now, I am not being ungrateful for this by any means, its just that it isn't what I expected.  I hit the gym four days last week and I worked my butt off.  However, I didn't drink my minimum 48oz of water each day and I ate ALL of the daily points, weekly points and activity points that I had and/or earned.  So, saying that, I should definitely be HAPPY that I am one pound lighter! 

After today's weigh in, I began thinking about what I am doing RIGHT and what I am doing WRONG.  I am getting my fluids, not water alone, but fluids.  I am exercising regular and I am tracking 100%.  What I am not doing is a little more lengthy.  I am not intaking WATER that is required (atleast 48oz).  I am not allowing my body the rest in between exercise.  I am not weight training to tighten or tone my body.   Let me tell you, it is definitely easier to say what I am NOT doing, as opposed to what I am doing...hmmmmm.

Starting today, I am back to square one - BACK TO BASICS!  I am making sure that I get my water for the day.  I am making sure that I get my 2 servings of dairy, my 5 servings of fruits & veggies, my daily vitamin and sneaking that healthy fat in.  Now I must admit, day one was difficult.  I added a few extras like roasted creamer potatoes and movie theater popcorn.  But I did TRACK EVERYTHING.

As for exercise, I am going to follow that plan as well.  I am doing cardio three (3) days - Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.  I am strength training on Monday and Wednesday.  This gives my body the break that it needs and it divides the time up for training and cardio. 

Every week, this program allows me to do this.  Weight Watchers allows me to experiment with what works, what doesn't and what may.  And if I do everything this week I set out to accomplish, then Saturday is the judgement day to determine if I stay on course or redesign a new plan that may be more successful!  Because the ultimate goal is to be the healthiest version of me that I can be!!!

Have a great weekend...xoxo

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Facing one of my biggest fears....

I am going to be completely honest. I HATE EXERCISE.....always have, but can't complete the sentence with "always will."  Four days ago, I took the big plunge and JOINED A GYM!
I chose this gym because my brother and sister-in-law come here and they like it!  Now, I must admit, staying fit IS NOT cheap but when it comes to my health and how long I plan on sticking around for my kids, IT IS WORTH THE PRICE OF GOLD!!!!

This is a smaller gym, with a very intimate setting.  Lots of stair climbers, lots of treadmills, lots of stationary bikes and lots of weights!!!  There is even a boxing ring in the gym, to replace the pool.  Here, you don't do the regular kick boxing, FOR REAL, box.  I must say, I am still intimidated by it :)

There is a sound proof yoga room with a waterfall wall that I look forward to using this week, hopefully with my sister-in-law and BFF.  And on a side note, it smells FANTASTIC in there.

The locker room, to be completely honest, is what sold stinky smelling, typical locker room like in high school or the local YMCA.  Painted in a beautiful turquiose color with non-traditional gym decor...
Fully equiped with a dry sauna room and a steam room, I look forward to my workout EVERYDAY!!!  Now I am sure that the novelty will wear off, but TODAY, I am loving every moment in there. 

I even reached out to a former co-worker who is a fitness freak (*and a college graduate in fitness*) and come meet with Debbie & I to give us a few pointers on weight/strength training.  P.S.  I am feeling that today, which is the 2nd day after!!  Good job Kyle!

I look at this whole experience as a second chance of life.  To obtain the ideal weight that I have never been able to be and to set an EXAMPLE for my kids, which is the most important.  I would never want my daughter to ever experience the misery I had through my younger years because I was overweight.  People can be mean as kids, and sometimes even worse as adults.

So, everyday I go to that gym, I ignore the stares (*because I am usually the biggest one in there*) and snickers and do the do!  No one knows the battle that I have fought thus far and that I continue to fight every day.  I put in the work because in the big picture, I know that I am trying.  I am not looking for anyone's acceptance, except that of me!  I am learning, SLOWLY, that I AM WORTH IT!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I have mine, do you have yours....?

As the summer gets closer (AZ is almost there!!!), I start having panic attacks when I think about getting this body of mine into a bathing suit, let alone, a two piece.  Personally, I think that a two piece will never be in my future BUT one never knows!!!!  But I plan on sure trying!!! 

Yesterday, I began thinking of goals that I am getting closer to.  Some have to do with my weight, some not.  But EVERYONE should have something that they are working towards.  Whether it may be to lose 10lbs, or to save money to go on a fancy trip, each of us should always be trying to obtain something.
So, I took some time and jotted down a few things that I want for myself within a few years.  I grabbed this exercise out of this months Weight Watchers magazine.  I tweeked it a little, however, you get the idea.  I focused on goals that would bring me out of my comfort zone that I have been stuck in for so we go!!!
  • Lose 5% of my body weight
  • Lose 10% of my body weight
  • Weight less than 200lbs
  • Reach my Weight Watchers goal of 148lbs
  • Reach my personal weight goal of 135lbs
  • Wear single digit clothing
  • Throw away ALL girdles :)
  • Run, instead of walk
  • Walk for a cause
  • Take a family portrait
  • Finish college
  • Stick it out until the end....AND
Some of these have been met, some are in the process and most will take time!  But I have learned, that time is what I have.  I'm not in a race with anyone, its JUST ME!!!  As I check off these goals, my self confidence grows and I notice that in the smallest ways.  For instance, today when I walk, I wear leggings and a sports tank top....thats it!!!  49lbs ago, you wouldn't be able to get me out of my sweatpants and sweater, even in the dead heat of summer, and thats IF I was exercising!  I feel better about me and I am less worried of what others think because I KNOW my GOALS!!!  They may not be the same as yours, but they are not supposed to be. 

I hope as you read this, there are goals (or one goal) that you are thinking about and if you have reached them.  Because in the end, success comes from the completion of them :)  If you don't have a goal, make one...kind of as a challange.  Focus on this and make your best effort to reach it!  No hurry, just start and reach it!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Goals are closer than I think...

It's been a couple of days since I have written but I have been enjoying LIFE!!!  Yesterday was my weekly weigh in and I was SUPER proud of my loss
I am down 3.6lbs!!!  I worked really hard last week because I had gained 2.8 (as you can see above) the week before.  Mind you, I was sick and taking medication BUT that is no excuse.  I own each and every GAIN or LOSS!  So, to say the least, I was quite impressed and HAPPY because I am 6.2lbs away from 200!  The last time I was 200 was the day I delivered Cyan. 

My next Weight Watchers goal, however, is 202lbs because that is 10% of my weight from when I started back on December 3, 2011.  I have managed to drag out that goal for a good while now.  I seem to sabotage myself everytime I get close.  I was at 206 a month ago, but then gained 3lbs, lost 1.8lbs and gained another 2.8lbs.  I AM DEFINITELY MY OWN WORSE ENEMY!!!

But yesterday, I LOST 3.6lbs!!!  Yay me :)  So to celebrate, we took the kids to the Phoenix Zoo for a little quality family time.  Plus, the weather was super nice (in the 60's) so we couldn't waste the day by sitting around. 
We were able to see 95% of the animals because the weather was cooperative.  This parrot was probably one of the most colorful animals I have EVER seen.  So beautiful and so peaceful.  During our 3 hour visit, I was able to collect 10 activity points for all of the walking that we did.  10 POINTS for doing nothing but doing what I cherish the MOST, creating memories with the kids. 

I would deem yesterday as a good day.  I managed to lose a little weight, managed to reward myself WITHOUT food and the most important thing, able to spend the entire day with my kids.  I say WINNING!!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Let me show you a roller coaster...

Good morning family!!!!  I haven't been sleeping too well lately.  I actually thought about getting up last night and BLOGGING!!  I must really like this :)

Yesterday, I was thinking about my actual weight journey.  Not the loss part, but the GAIN.  I thought back as far as I could to remember my earliest weight registered in my brain.  And I did it!!!  It takes me back 18 years but, it's something to work with.  I then wrote it down and other weights I could recall, up to present date and this is what I got -
  • 14 YRS - 140lbs
  • 19 YRS - 175lbs
  • 21 YRS - 170lbs (& that was 6 mo. PREGO with my daughter!!!)
  • 21 YRS - 199lbs (the weight I was the day I gave birth to my daughter!!!)
  • 25 YRS - 205lbs
  • 29 YRS - 217lbs (2 wks after having my son - unfortunately, I don't remember my weight during my pregnancy with him :( )
  • 30 YRS - 255lbs (MY HEAVIEST ----> EVER!!!!!)
  • 32 YRS - 209lbs -----TODAY
I couldn't believe this when I read it.  I almost began to cry.  I had managed to gain 115lbs in 16 years.  Who does that?  Better question, who is happy with that? 

I didn't realize my weight had gotten so out of control until April 2010 when a few of us had gone to Vegas for a birthday.  It was pointed out to me that I was a considerable amount heavier than my friend.  Not in a rude way, but a way to make me realize that this had to STOP!

This was my first step.  My friend had been on Weight Watchers for a month and had started to lose a noticable amount of weight.  I figured, if she could do it, so could I!  And here I am.  I have my good days, and I have my bad days.  I seem to lose weight and then put on another couple of pounds :
This is my tracked weight that my Weight Watchers eTools tracks since I started AGAIN, December 3, 2011.  And to be honest, I am OKAY with the ups and downs.  Because life has ups and downs, why would I expect such a life changing event not to have the same journeys.

Weight Watchers have completely changed my view on weight loss.  One day at a time.  The weight wasn't put on in a day.  As I said, it took me 16 years to add on 115lbs!!!!  Why on this earth, would I ever expect it to come off in a few months?

I am a HUGE Pinterest addict and I had seen something that someone had made to use kinda as an anchor, a reminder, of what this is all about.
This is my actual scale that I have sitting to the side of my toilet.  That way I can READ it EVERYDAY, NUMEROUS times a day :)  This keeps me going.  This puts my whole battle into prospective and understanding that I can do this...ONE DAY AT A TIME, even with all the bumps I will hit during this trip.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

You never know what the day has in store...

This blog thing is really helping me...I wake up in the morning, thinking of what I am going to write and go to bed, hoping not to forgot all the great ideas that I have come up with since the last post.  Well great to ME :)

Yesterday, after having a few bad weigh ins, I decided it was time to get my butt off the couch and get walking again.  And by walking, I mean very moderate movement.  I am not a beginner, however, far from advanced!  We have a park about 2 miles from my house.  There is a path around a pond that covers one mile.  I was aiming for 4 miles yesterday, but a friend needed my help with her daughter, so it was cut to 2 miles.  I average 1 mile every 20 minutes.  To compare, I couldn't run a 20 minute mile in high school, so to me, a HUGE step.

After this, I went to my favorite take-out, SUBWAY, and grabbed a 6" ham to kill 20 minutes.  I came out to my car and of course, it wouldn't start!!!!!  To make a long story short, the starter needs to be replaced.  So, here I am, killing some time while my car is being fixed.  I am not letting it get me down, though!  There could be worse things that can happen and you have to appreciate what you have EVERYDAY! 

It's funny how you learn this ONLY as you get older.  I had no concept of this in my teens, or even 20's.  I took everything for granted.  Including my health.  And that is why yesterday, I got off that couch and WALKED.  I can't wait for someone to do it for me.  I have to take the first step and make my life better.  I have to be here for my kids in 50 years.  I have to show them that you can accomplish WHATEVER you put your mind too.  I have to show them that hard work DOES pay off and you ultimately are the one who controls your destiny.

So here is to the many more walks, either fast or slow, for my KIDS.  Mommy loves you enough to make ME better.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Getting Back on Track....

It is the fourth day of my Weight Watchers week and I must say that I am pretty happy with my dedication so far!!!  I have stayed within my daily pts (32), with the exception of dipping into 11 of my 49 weekly point allowance....not too shabby :)

As I write, I am enjoying a new Weight Watchers yogurt that I found at the DOLLAR STORE!!!!  Walmart is pretty limited to the flavors they offer so I was OVERJOYED when my BFF Debbie called me telling me that there were other flavors...I made it ---> 2 miles in 2 minutes flat!  I LOVE a good deal :)

To be quite honest, its FANTASTIC!!!!  A nice change from Caramel Spice and Apple Pie.  Tomorrow, I am going to try the Lemon Cream Pie....ohhhhh yeah :)

After being sick for the past week, my taste buds are finally going back to normal.  Everything tasted horrible, however, I continued to eat.  Most people get sick and STOP eating...oh no, not I....I am 100% dedicated to food :)

Staying on track is definitely something I have to work on EVERYDAY.  If I don't, then the one day turns into two, and then three, until I show up to Saturday's weigh in and start fresh ONCE AGAIN.  I told you, I am 100% dedicated.  But the great thing about Weight Watchers is that everyday can be your new day and I carry that close to me because I like new days, kind of fresh starts.

I am just finishing up work and then heading over to the park for a good walk.  I think I am going to knock out 4 miles and then go relax before the kiddies come home from school.  I LOVE me time....its definitely needed and well deserved, and RARELY comes by :)  I am going to flag a few recipes from my new Weight Watchers cook "magazine" I picked up yesterday...

With Roen's birthday party coming up next month, I have to make a few Mommy friendly sides.  I looked, briefly, last night in the check out line and got SUPER excited.  I think that this afternoon will be a perfect time to enjoy some great photos and down time :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

No more days, just entries...

Okay, I am the first to admit that I am HORRIBLE at sticking to anything. I started this wonderful blog to help myself express the triumphs and defeats of my weight loss journey and just deal with life. Well, that was in September of '11 and here we are in April of '12 and only three entries!!! Oh boy oh boy Josh :(

But I can also tell you one thing that I am GREAT at is picking myself up and starting fresh, whether it is one time or one hundred times, I will try again :) So, here we are, today, starting again. I am not going to title my blogs with the day number because day one can come again in the future...hehehe. It is just going to be one entry at a time. No pressure.

But to catch you anyone up to speed, I am a Weight Watchers member. I have been over weight for a majority of my life and am tired of fighting "The Battle of the Buldge!"

I originally started following the plan, by myself, in June 2010. I weighed a whopping 255lbs :( This was the heaviest I had ever been in my LIFE. I have two beautiful children and had never reached that weight 9 months prego!!! Something had to be done.

So for the next 4 months, I worked my tail off to drop down to 225lbs. Well, as the story goes, I became comfortable there and kind of just stopped following plan. For the next year, I just stayed put and lived life.

In June 2011, I made the decision to start Weight Watchers once again, but this time, I wasn't doing it by myself. I dragged my dear friend Debbie, with me. She had also gained a few pounds and wanted to lose the extra weight. So, together, we started the infamous battle together.

The next three months, I had managed to drop 15lbs but fell off the wagon AGAIN!!!! During the holidays, I just "lived life" and by that, I mean ate whatever I wanted. Well, enough was enough, I went back to Weight Watchers December 3, 2011 and weighed at 224lbs. Oh boy, this was not easy. But Debbie was there to support me 100% and continue this with me, once again.

So to date, I am sitting at 209lbs and have roughly 61lbs to lose to meet Weight Watchers "healthy weight" but my personal goal is 135lbs - 74lbs TO GO!!!

One thing that I have learned through this journey is that weight loss takes time. Its not a quick fix and takes blood, sweat and tears to get there. So what I am going to do is just that. I am going to bleed, sweat and cry to earn every pound lost. I deserve it and BELIEVE it 100%.

This blog is going to reveal every ounce of this fight, happy or sad, positive or negative, good or bad, hungry or full. I want to be able to document this to reference back as a tool to help me, and hopefully others, in any type of weight loss goal, whether 100lbs or 10lbs. Every pound matters and no one pound is anyless important than the next.

Here is to a crazy roller coaster and me being victorious!