Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I have mine, do you have yours....?

As the summer gets closer (AZ is almost there!!!), I start having panic attacks when I think about getting this body of mine into a bathing suit, let alone, a two piece.  Personally, I think that a two piece will never be in my future BUT one never knows!!!!  But I plan on sure trying!!! 

Yesterday, I began thinking of goals that I am getting closer to.  Some have to do with my weight, some not.  But EVERYONE should have something that they are working towards.  Whether it may be to lose 10lbs, or to save money to go on a fancy trip, each of us should always be trying to obtain something.
So, I took some time and jotted down a few things that I want for myself within a few years.  I grabbed this exercise out of this months Weight Watchers magazine.  I tweeked it a little, however, you get the idea.  I focused on goals that would bring me out of my comfort zone that I have been stuck in for so long....here we go!!!
  • Lose 5% of my body weight
  • Lose 10% of my body weight
  • Weight less than 200lbs
  • Reach my Weight Watchers goal of 148lbs
  • Reach my personal weight goal of 135lbs
  • Wear single digit clothing
  • Throw away ALL girdles :)
  • Run, instead of walk
  • Walk for a cause
  • Take a family portrait
  • Finish college
  • Stick it out until the end....AND
Some of these have been met, some are in the process and most will take time!  But I have learned, that time is what I have.  I'm not in a race with anyone, its JUST ME!!!  As I check off these goals, my self confidence grows and I notice that in the smallest ways.  For instance, today when I walk, I wear leggings and a sports tank top....thats it!!!  49lbs ago, you wouldn't be able to get me out of my sweatpants and sweater, even in the dead heat of summer, and thats IF I was exercising!  I feel better about me and I am less worried of what others think because I KNOW my GOALS!!!  They may not be the same as yours, but they are not supposed to be. 

I hope as you read this, there are goals (or one goal) that you are thinking about and if you have reached them.  Because in the end, success comes from the completion of them :)  If you don't have a goal, make one...kind of as a challange.  Focus on this and make your best effort to reach it!  No hurry, just start and reach it!

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