Wednesday, April 11, 2012

You never know what the day has in store...

This blog thing is really helping me...I wake up in the morning, thinking of what I am going to write and go to bed, hoping not to forgot all the great ideas that I have come up with since the last post.  Well great to ME :)

Yesterday, after having a few bad weigh ins, I decided it was time to get my butt off the couch and get walking again.  And by walking, I mean very moderate movement.  I am not a beginner, however, far from advanced!  We have a park about 2 miles from my house.  There is a path around a pond that covers one mile.  I was aiming for 4 miles yesterday, but a friend needed my help with her daughter, so it was cut to 2 miles.  I average 1 mile every 20 minutes.  To compare, I couldn't run a 20 minute mile in high school, so to me, a HUGE step.

After this, I went to my favorite take-out, SUBWAY, and grabbed a 6" ham to kill 20 minutes.  I came out to my car and of course, it wouldn't start!!!!!  To make a long story short, the starter needs to be replaced.  So, here I am, killing some time while my car is being fixed.  I am not letting it get me down, though!  There could be worse things that can happen and you have to appreciate what you have EVERYDAY! 

It's funny how you learn this ONLY as you get older.  I had no concept of this in my teens, or even 20's.  I took everything for granted.  Including my health.  And that is why yesterday, I got off that couch and WALKED.  I can't wait for someone to do it for me.  I have to take the first step and make my life better.  I have to be here for my kids in 50 years.  I have to show them that you can accomplish WHATEVER you put your mind too.  I have to show them that hard work DOES pay off and you ultimately are the one who controls your destiny.

So here is to the many more walks, either fast or slow, for my KIDS.  Mommy loves you enough to make ME better.

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