Thursday, April 12, 2012

Let me show you a roller coaster...

Good morning family!!!!  I haven't been sleeping too well lately.  I actually thought about getting up last night and BLOGGING!!  I must really like this :)

Yesterday, I was thinking about my actual weight journey.  Not the loss part, but the GAIN.  I thought back as far as I could to remember my earliest weight registered in my brain.  And I did it!!!  It takes me back 18 years but, it's something to work with.  I then wrote it down and other weights I could recall, up to present date and this is what I got -
  • 14 YRS - 140lbs
  • 19 YRS - 175lbs
  • 21 YRS - 170lbs (& that was 6 mo. PREGO with my daughter!!!)
  • 21 YRS - 199lbs (the weight I was the day I gave birth to my daughter!!!)
  • 25 YRS - 205lbs
  • 29 YRS - 217lbs (2 wks after having my son - unfortunately, I don't remember my weight during my pregnancy with him :( )
  • 30 YRS - 255lbs (MY HEAVIEST ----> EVER!!!!!)
  • 32 YRS - 209lbs -----TODAY
I couldn't believe this when I read it.  I almost began to cry.  I had managed to gain 115lbs in 16 years.  Who does that?  Better question, who is happy with that? 

I didn't realize my weight had gotten so out of control until April 2010 when a few of us had gone to Vegas for a birthday.  It was pointed out to me that I was a considerable amount heavier than my friend.  Not in a rude way, but a way to make me realize that this had to STOP!

This was my first step.  My friend had been on Weight Watchers for a month and had started to lose a noticable amount of weight.  I figured, if she could do it, so could I!  And here I am.  I have my good days, and I have my bad days.  I seem to lose weight and then put on another couple of pounds :
This is my tracked weight that my Weight Watchers eTools tracks since I started AGAIN, December 3, 2011.  And to be honest, I am OKAY with the ups and downs.  Because life has ups and downs, why would I expect such a life changing event not to have the same journeys.

Weight Watchers have completely changed my view on weight loss.  One day at a time.  The weight wasn't put on in a day.  As I said, it took me 16 years to add on 115lbs!!!!  Why on this earth, would I ever expect it to come off in a few months?

I am a HUGE Pinterest addict and I had seen something that someone had made to use kinda as an anchor, a reminder, of what this is all about.
This is my actual scale that I have sitting to the side of my toilet.  That way I can READ it EVERYDAY, NUMEROUS times a day :)  This keeps me going.  This puts my whole battle into prospective and understanding that I can do this...ONE DAY AT A TIME, even with all the bumps I will hit during this trip.


  1. Oh I was able to figure this commenting thing out...yes, good for you to be so honest; I agree, it will continue to help you on this journey. Blogging is good too. And think of how you will be able to look back on this too!

    1. I am a little excited to look back and see what i have accomplished. I appreciate you taking the time to read AND comment. :). Thanks

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