Monday, April 9, 2012

No more days, just entries...

Okay, I am the first to admit that I am HORRIBLE at sticking to anything. I started this wonderful blog to help myself express the triumphs and defeats of my weight loss journey and just deal with life. Well, that was in September of '11 and here we are in April of '12 and only three entries!!! Oh boy oh boy Josh :(

But I can also tell you one thing that I am GREAT at is picking myself up and starting fresh, whether it is one time or one hundred times, I will try again :) So, here we are, today, starting again. I am not going to title my blogs with the day number because day one can come again in the future...hehehe. It is just going to be one entry at a time. No pressure.

But to catch you anyone up to speed, I am a Weight Watchers member. I have been over weight for a majority of my life and am tired of fighting "The Battle of the Buldge!"

I originally started following the plan, by myself, in June 2010. I weighed a whopping 255lbs :( This was the heaviest I had ever been in my LIFE. I have two beautiful children and had never reached that weight 9 months prego!!! Something had to be done.

So for the next 4 months, I worked my tail off to drop down to 225lbs. Well, as the story goes, I became comfortable there and kind of just stopped following plan. For the next year, I just stayed put and lived life.

In June 2011, I made the decision to start Weight Watchers once again, but this time, I wasn't doing it by myself. I dragged my dear friend Debbie, with me. She had also gained a few pounds and wanted to lose the extra weight. So, together, we started the infamous battle together.

The next three months, I had managed to drop 15lbs but fell off the wagon AGAIN!!!! During the holidays, I just "lived life" and by that, I mean ate whatever I wanted. Well, enough was enough, I went back to Weight Watchers December 3, 2011 and weighed at 224lbs. Oh boy, this was not easy. But Debbie was there to support me 100% and continue this with me, once again.

So to date, I am sitting at 209lbs and have roughly 61lbs to lose to meet Weight Watchers "healthy weight" but my personal goal is 135lbs - 74lbs TO GO!!!

One thing that I have learned through this journey is that weight loss takes time. Its not a quick fix and takes blood, sweat and tears to get there. So what I am going to do is just that. I am going to bleed, sweat and cry to earn every pound lost. I deserve it and BELIEVE it 100%.

This blog is going to reveal every ounce of this fight, happy or sad, positive or negative, good or bad, hungry or full. I want to be able to document this to reference back as a tool to help me, and hopefully others, in any type of weight loss goal, whether 100lbs or 10lbs. Every pound matters and no one pound is anyless important than the next.

Here is to a crazy roller coaster and me being victorious!

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