Sunday, April 15, 2012

Goals are closer than I think...

It's been a couple of days since I have written but I have been enjoying LIFE!!!  Yesterday was my weekly weigh in and I was SUPER proud of my loss
I am down 3.6lbs!!!  I worked really hard last week because I had gained 2.8 (as you can see above) the week before.  Mind you, I was sick and taking medication BUT that is no excuse.  I own each and every GAIN or LOSS!  So, to say the least, I was quite impressed and HAPPY because I am 6.2lbs away from 200!  The last time I was 200 was the day I delivered Cyan. 

My next Weight Watchers goal, however, is 202lbs because that is 10% of my weight from when I started back on December 3, 2011.  I have managed to drag out that goal for a good while now.  I seem to sabotage myself everytime I get close.  I was at 206 a month ago, but then gained 3lbs, lost 1.8lbs and gained another 2.8lbs.  I AM DEFINITELY MY OWN WORSE ENEMY!!!

But yesterday, I LOST 3.6lbs!!!  Yay me :)  So to celebrate, we took the kids to the Phoenix Zoo for a little quality family time.  Plus, the weather was super nice (in the 60's) so we couldn't waste the day by sitting around. 
We were able to see 95% of the animals because the weather was cooperative.  This parrot was probably one of the most colorful animals I have EVER seen.  So beautiful and so peaceful.  During our 3 hour visit, I was able to collect 10 activity points for all of the walking that we did.  10 POINTS for doing nothing but doing what I cherish the MOST, creating memories with the kids. 

I would deem yesterday as a good day.  I managed to lose a little weight, managed to reward myself WITHOUT food and the most important thing, able to spend the entire day with my kids.  I say WINNING!!!!

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