Saturday, April 28, 2012

Back to Basics....

Another Saturday has come, and close to being gone.  The big weigh in day.   I am beginning to enjoy Saturday as my favorite day.  Not only is it the first day of the weekend, not only do I get to hang out with my kiddies, but I get to START FRESH, just like day one, with my Weight Watchers program!  What can be any better!?

For the past three weeks, I have had a steady loss.  Now by that, I mean, I have LOST something.  And something is something I will take any day of the week!  But there still seems to be something lacking or missing, in general.  I was down ONE POUND this week and even though it was a loss, it wasn't the loss I was looking for. 

Now, I am not being ungrateful for this by any means, its just that it isn't what I expected.  I hit the gym four days last week and I worked my butt off.  However, I didn't drink my minimum 48oz of water each day and I ate ALL of the daily points, weekly points and activity points that I had and/or earned.  So, saying that, I should definitely be HAPPY that I am one pound lighter! 

After today's weigh in, I began thinking about what I am doing RIGHT and what I am doing WRONG.  I am getting my fluids, not water alone, but fluids.  I am exercising regular and I am tracking 100%.  What I am not doing is a little more lengthy.  I am not intaking WATER that is required (atleast 48oz).  I am not allowing my body the rest in between exercise.  I am not weight training to tighten or tone my body.   Let me tell you, it is definitely easier to say what I am NOT doing, as opposed to what I am doing...hmmmmm.

Starting today, I am back to square one - BACK TO BASICS!  I am making sure that I get my water for the day.  I am making sure that I get my 2 servings of dairy, my 5 servings of fruits & veggies, my daily vitamin and sneaking that healthy fat in.  Now I must admit, day one was difficult.  I added a few extras like roasted creamer potatoes and movie theater popcorn.  But I did TRACK EVERYTHING.

As for exercise, I am going to follow that plan as well.  I am doing cardio three (3) days - Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.  I am strength training on Monday and Wednesday.  This gives my body the break that it needs and it divides the time up for training and cardio. 

Every week, this program allows me to do this.  Weight Watchers allows me to experiment with what works, what doesn't and what may.  And if I do everything this week I set out to accomplish, then Saturday is the judgement day to determine if I stay on course or redesign a new plan that may be more successful!  Because the ultimate goal is to be the healthiest version of me that I can be!!!

Have a great weekend...xoxo

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