Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Through the thick and thin of it....

Okay, first I apologize for the gap in posts.  It has been a few weeks since my last post.  My world is crazy, as usual, with work, kids, etc, etc, etc.....

I have been inching closer and closer to my 10% goal weight of 202lbs.  As of this past Saturday, I was 1.4lbs away!!!!  Well, Mother's Day happened.  I prepared dinner for my family, my parents and my brother and sister-in-law.   I went with a BBQ themed dinner.  The pulled pork was WW friendly, HOWEVER, the potato salad, macarroni salad, fudge and coconut macaroons weren't. 

I realized that I have a LONG way to go to get my food under control.  I have no control over certain foods, and those that I prepared, I proved no match :(

My problem wasn't Sunday, it was the days that followed.  In my mind, I figured that I messed up Sunday, so Monday didn't matter.  And since Monday didn't matter, neither did Tuesday.  And here I am today, on Wednesday, with the same mentality.  I cannot get my mind away from the spiraling effect that started on Mother's Day. 

So, I lead back to my personal sabotage.  I get so close to my goal and take 5 steps back. What the heck is wrong with me.  Do I want to stay over weight?  Have I been over weight so long, that it terrifies me to get healthy and down to a healthy size?  I have no clue!  It has taken me 5 months to lose 20lbs.....FIVE MONTHS!!!  Anyone else would have been working on their 40th or 50th pound mark....not I!

I sit here and write out my frustrations.  I am so disappointed in myself.  I have let my family down, I have let my kids down and more importantly, I have let myself down.  Deep down, I know I am not going to do anything until Saturday.  I have two days until weigh in, ***which I am not weighing in on Saturday***, and get my mind right!  I need to find that motivation that I had on Day One.  That motivation that drove me to realize I am worth my own happiness!

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