Thursday, May 31, 2012

Summer Time Challenge....

It is amazing how busy one can get and completely forget somethings....mine, remembering to keep my blog updated!!!  Let me start off by saying sorry for the lack of dedication.  I can come up with 1,000 excuses but that isn't right :(  So, here I am, after a little hiatus ---> which we all have :)

My Weight Watchers has kind of taken a back seat to life for the last 2 and a half weeks.  Actually, since Mother's Day!  I have kind of slid down that slippery slope of motivation.  I hosted Mother's Day dinner for my family and from there, I have not paid as close of attention that I should to my food.  I have eaten great on somedays and then snuck off to McDonald's on others.  Bad Josh!!!

The following week was my TOM visit (sorry for TMI) and I always gain ATLEAST 5lbs!!!!  Damn Mother Nature.  So, I fought that all last week and then this past Saturday was Roen's 3rd Birthday Party.  Food has been EVERY WHERE!!! 

I'm unfortunately in the mentality that if one day has been ruined, then the WHOLE week is a lost cause.  I know, logically, that isn't the case, but I can't convince my belly otherwise.

So, to spice things up for the first month of summer and hopefully, to boost my motivation from 10 to 100, I have come up with a challenge.  I am a Pinterest ADDICT and have pinned LOTS of recipes that happen to be Weight Watchers friendly.  I have NEVER cooked one.  For the month of June, I am going to make one new, untried recipe everyday. 
This morning, I went through tons of WW friendly recipes from Hungry Girl, Emily Bites and Skinny Taste to compile 30 new, intriguing meals!

Now, I am the mother of a 10 & 3 year old who like Mommy's cooking just the way it is.  To solve that, I let Cyan choose 2 nights a week to eat the staples of the house.  So, Monday and Tuesday, I cook the kids dinner - what they want.  To make sure that I get my new recipe in for that day, I will be doing lunch meals....
I can't make promises, but I definitely want to blog each of these with pictures and little notes. 

As well, I have added a couple of "small" challenges to the month of June. 
  • Completely cut out soda, diet included, and ONLY drink my 64 ounces of water daily
  • Stop eating ALL food atleast 3 hours before bed
  • Move (physical activity) for atleast 30 minutes a day
  • Weigh myself everyday - to see if there is a pattern to my weight fluxuations
I really hope these changes help get my butt back in the game of weight loss.  I can no longer make excuses for being overweight.  I am unhappy this size and want to live out the rest of my years, healthy!

I hope that you can follow my journey for the month of June and learn a thing or two or vice versa!

J  xoxo

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