Sunday, September 30, 2012

A road that I know all too well...

Well, I see that it has been exactly 4 months since I have made a post!  That is horrible of me and I do apologize.  I have not been dedicated to this blog, to my self or my weight loss.  That is part of the reason on why I have been so slack on the blog.  Around the month of May, we had BB-Q after BB-Q, gathering after gathering and I completely fell off the weight loss train.  Is that an excuse...NOPE but it's a reason and I own it.

I am 13lbs heavier today than I was 4 months ago and I am not happy with myself.  My one year anniversary with Weight Watchers is coming up during the first week of December and I am no further now, than I was then.  My journey (this time) started at 224lbs and here I am at 215lbs.  Is it a difference, yep, but not the one that I anticipated last December.

During this past year, however, I have had my sister Jazmin join towards the beginning of the summer and she is doing FANTASTIC!!!  I believe she has lost 20+ lbs during the summer and still dropping.  She has about 50lbs to go but I am her biggest cheerleader - so proud of her and her own personal journey!!

So, here I am AGAIN (my WELL traveled road) and looking forward to new opportunities and different approaches in conquering this battle that I seem to love to fight!  First off, I am going to stick to my daily point plus values and NOT dip into my 49 point plus allowance.  I have to get this weight loss revved up and that seems to be the most logical way.  That is how I lost my initial 30lbs so why not stick to basics?

Second, I have vowed to keep recipes, old recipes, made up recipes, ANY recipe - atleast 5 nights a week.  I am a HUGE Pinterest fan and love pinning all types of recipes so why not put those to good use?  Most are definitely NOT Weight Watchers friendly but I am finding different ways to tweak them to fit into MY PERSONAL plan.  With Weight Watchers, aren't I allowed to eat whatever I want...YEP!

I am also trying to get as much water as I can into my system.  Weight Watchers suggests 48oz but would like 64oz a lot better.  I am not going to lie, I love my 32oz Diet Mt. Dew, once a day (and that does count towards the fluid intake) but I can't rely ONLY on that for fluids.

Something else that I am going to try is posting recipes that I make on here.  I know that I, PERSONALLY, get stuck in ruts with no ideas on new food and snack ideas to fit within plan so I am sure that there are others out there too that have the same problems.  All of the recipes and photos posted are ones that I have made and eaten with my family.  I will post the source of the recipe, as well, as needed.

I can't be 100% sure that this will be my final attempt at losing weight, but I know that even when I fall, I get up, dust myself off, and start back at square one!  I am at a champ at starting over!  I thank EVERYONE and ANYONE who takes the time to take a moment and take a look into my life, even if for just a second.

Well, I am going to post my first couple of recipes.  A lot of my recipes, using veggies, are not exact measurements when it does come to the veggies!  I love 'em so I use A LOT of them!  But I will definitely try my best to be close!!

Shrimp Veggie Stir Fry
Servings - 4 to 5 (depending on portions)
WW PP - 11pp per serving

  • ramen noodles - 4 packets (discard seasoning packets)
  • broccoli - 2 cups
  • onion - 1 medium sliced
  • carrots - 2 medium shredded
  • bell pepper - 1 medium sliced
  • mushrooms - 1 cup sliced
  • bamboo shoots - 1/2 cup
  • garlic - 6 cloves chopped
  • ginger - 2 tsp grated
  • soy sauce - 1/4 cup (*I used low sodium)
  • ketchup - 1 tbsp
  • sriracha - 1 tbsp
  • rice vinegar - 2 tbsp
  • sesame oil - 2 tbsp
  • shrimp - 2 cups fresh/thawed and shells removed
  • salt and pepper - to season
*Any other types of veggies can be used, possibilities are endless!

  1. Bring a pot of water to boil and add ramen noodles. 
  2. Cook until done - 3-5 minutes.
  3. Drain noodles and run under cold water.
  4. Set aside to cool and air dry.
  5. Heat oil over medium heat.  
  6. Add ginger and garlic.  
  7. Saute for 3 minutes.  
  8. Add all veggies, shrimp and salt and pepper, for seasoning.
  9. Cook for 5-8 minutes.
  10. To make sauce, mix soy sauce, sriracha, vinegar and ketchup in a medium bowl.
  11. Once veggies are done, add sauce and noodles.
  12. Mix thoroughly and make sure noodles and veggies are coated in sauce, evenly.
  13. Let cook 5 more minutes and serve warm!
I am sorry that I am not a pro at writing recipes, but I hope you get the idea.  Below are some pictures of the different steps!

Step 4 - Set noodles aside and air dry
Step 8 - Add all veggies, shrimp and salt and pepper, for seasoning
Step 10 - To make sauce, mix soy sauce, sriracha, vinegar and ketchup in a medium bowl.
Step 13 - Let cook 5 more minutes and serve warm!
This was a recipe I put together from things I had in the pantry and a little imagination   The possibilities are endless with different meats, veggies and sauces.  It was a hit with my daughter and my toddler is just too picky to eat anything new.  But, give 'er a try and let me know how it turns out!

Happy eating, living and healthiness!
